
  • Potholes Can Cause Serious Issues!

    wheel image on lift

    I know you hate it when you can't avoid them and hit those potholes in the road?  But did you know how much damage they cause your vehicle?  There is a lot of money being spent on vehicle damage due to potholes. Here at Dennis Mitchell's Automotive, we are the leader in Jackson, TN for the service and repair of automotive issues resulting from road damage. We know the kind of damage that can be done, so if you suspect something is wrong with your car or truck, it’s always a good idea to stop by so we can take a quick look.


  • Proper Tire Care Improves Your Vehicle's Performance

    flat tire with air being put in

    Keeping your tires properly inflated and regularly checking the tread can save you money and keep you safe! At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN we want to keep you and everyone in your car safe. Let us help you keep your tires maintained at their best.

  • Proper Tire Care is a Must for Commercial Vehicles

    mechanic balancing a tire in the auto shop

    Two things matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN has you covered.

  • Radial Tires, What Are They?

    When you see tires advertised, you’ll often see the word “radial” attached to it. What does this mean, and where did radial tires originate? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN is here, with answers to questions you weren’t even asking.

  • Rotate Your Tires or Stop Rolling

    hands putting on tire in shop with a power tool

    Ever looked at the bottom of your shoes and noticed that one area of the sole is more worn than another? The way you walk causes a wear pattern to occur as you put more weight on certain areas of your feet. If your shoe needed work, you would take it to a cobbler.

  • Take a Look at Your Tires

    bad tire

    Are the tires on your diesel truck any good? At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we want you to be able to spot the difference between a good tire and one that needs to be replaced. Here’s a quick guide on what to watch out for.

  • Time For Tires, But How Do You Decide?

    tire options at a tire store

    There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. Once you decide it's time to replace your tires, the choice can be overwhelming. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, our technicians have been trained to help you make that choice. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that will suit your needs.

  • Time to Re-Tire? Explore All The Options

    Pile of tires

    There are multiple types of tires on the market for almost every car, truck, or SUV. The type of tire you want depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you drive. Here’s a short rundown of common street tires that’ll suit your needs.

  • Tips For Your Fleet If You Ever Get A Flat!

    If you drive a fleet or commercial vehicle, you log a lot of hours on the road. Inevitably, a flat tire is going to happen - it’s just a matter of knowing how to handle it when it does. Here’s what you need to remember, from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.

  • Tire About to Blow Out? Here's What to Do.

    Flat tire on a car

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we understand that you can’t prevent malfunctions all the time, every time. At some point in your driving history, you’ve probably dealt with a flat tire. Sometimes a tire goes flat in a parking lot, but sometimes a tire can fail while driving. Here are some indicators you have a tire that is about to fail, and how to handle the situation.

  • Tires, Tires Everywhere. How Do You Choose The Best?

    many tires on shelves

    The type of tire you want on your fleet or commercial vehicle depends on a variety of factors, from climate to how you use the vehicle. There are multiple tire styles for most applications, and one of them is right for you. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re ready to help you make your choice. If you’d like to narrow it down before you come see us, here’s a short rundown of common tires that will meet your specific need.

  • What should you do if you blow a tire?

    man frustrated leaning on car

    The best way to deal with a blown tire is to prevent it from happening in the first place. However, eventually, a flat tire is going to occur, and it’ll most likely be when you least need it. From Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, here’s what you need to do.

  • When Is It Time To Replace a Tire?

    Tires lined up on racks

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, we change many tires that should’ve been replaced long ago. Your tires can go for miles and miles, but there always comes a time to replace them. So how can you tell when the right time is?

  • Why Radial Tires Are Important For Your Fleet

    What are radial tires, where do they come from, and why are they important? If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, radial tires are an advancement you’re thankful for, whether you realize it or not. Here’s why, from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.

  • Why You Need That Alignment

    vehicle alignment photo with technician

    Alignment is the position of your wheels in relation to your vehicle and how they interact with the road. When your vehicle is properly aligned, your wheels will point in the same direction as the vehicle. To maintain proper control of your car, you must keep your wheels in proper alignment. Otherwise, steering will become difficult, your tires will wear unevenly and your fuel economy will decrease. 

  • Your Diesel's Tire Guide

    truck tires

    Whether you drive a Ford, Chevy, or Ram diesel truck, your tires are an important aspect of the way your truck performs. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to keep you in the loop on what type of tires are out there for you, and what your tires say about the condition of your truck.

  • Your fleet tires -- are they in good shape?

    Two tires

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we want you to be able to recognize an issue with your tires. It’ll keep you safe, prevent a blowout, and let you see for yourself whether or not a tire needs to be replaced. Here’s a short guide to tire problems.

  • Your Guide to Tires - When to Replace and What to Replace Them With


    Your tires are obviously important. However, it’s often underappreciated how much of a difference they make in the ride quality of your car, truck, or SUV, and what they can tell you about the condition of your vehicle. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we like to keep you well informed on what your vehicle is telling you, and how to keep it in good shape. Your tires have a lot to do with that.

  • Your Tires - Are They In Good Shape?

    What condition are your tires in? At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we want to make sure you can tell if your tires are in good condition or ready to be replaced. A simple visual inspection is all you need - it’s easy if you know what to look for. Our technicians have been trained to identify trouble before it hurts your vehicle, but they can also help you understand how to keep your eyes open for serious issues.

Dennis Mitchell's Automotive

896 Hollywood Dr
Jackson, TN 38301
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location small (731) 424-1486
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Weekdays:   7:45 AM - 5:30 PM
Weekends: Closed

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