Fleet Trucks

  • Are You Maintaining Your Fleet?

    oil being poured into car

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you know how quickly miles rack up and oil changes are needed. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, our main goal is to keep your trucks on the road - a huge part of that is changing your oil on time.

  • Are Your Ball Joints Failing?

    mechanic working on ball joints on a vehicle

    If you own or operate a fleet of vehicles or a commercial truck, chances are you’ve encountered a bad ball joint or two. How do you catch one before it breaks, and why is it important? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN has the answers.

  • Avoid Retiring Your Fleet With These Engine Options

    fleet of vehicles

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, there’s a lot that factors into having a major repair done on one of your vehicles. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help you make the right choice.

  • Brakes for Your Fleet


    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, our expert mechanics are here to work for you. On large commercial trucks, there’s one component that works harder than almost all the rest; your brakes. Our technicians have the knowledge and ability necessary to have your truck stopping like the day it rolled off the lot, no matter what the problem is.

  • Checking Your Fluid Levels - How 3 Minutes Once A Month Can Save Your Vehicle

    fluid being poured into vehicleIf you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, it’s important you know the basics of vehicle maintenance. Checking your fluids is the easiest and most effective way to ensure your vehicles stay on the road and going strong. Here’s what you need to know, from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.
  • Choosing the right tires for your fleet

    Tires on a fleet vehicle

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we know managing a fleet or commercial truck is no small task. For that reason, we like to keep you informed on things to look out for, and what to do about them. Tires are an area worth paying attention to...tire condition determines ride quality and drivability, and provides useful insight into the condition of your vehicles.

  • Diesel - The Ideal Engine for Fleet Vehicles

    fleet of diesel vehicles

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’re probably pretty familiar with diesel vehicles. But why are diesel engines predominantly used in commercial vehicles, and where did they start?

  • Do You Have a Catalytic Converter Issue?

    catalytic converter

    Regular maintenance checks of your vehicle will help you avoid a catalytic converter that looks like this resulting in large repair costs which is what our team here at Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson want to avoid at all costs! We feel that every customer has a need to know what repairs are in their future and exactly how to budget for them if need be so we check your vehicle thoroughly and keep you informed.

    There are several indicators that your catalytic converter isn't functioning at maximum capacity such as:

  • Fleet Vehicles and The ABS Light

    ABS light lit up on a dashboard

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’re likely no stranger to dashboard warning lights. Increasingly, a common source of headache for many operators is the ABS, or Anti-lock Braking System light. Here’s what you need to know from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.

  • If You Have To Turn The Key More Than Once - You Might Have A Problem

    keys in an ignition

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you know it’s hard to keep everything working perfectly all the time. You have to choose what to give priority to, and what can wait. However, some small problems are indicators that a bigger issue is on the way. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, our goal is to keep you and your fleet going.

  • Is Your Fleet Vehicle At Risk Of A Breakdown?

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’re no stranger to breakdowns or have heard the horror stories breakdowns can endure. So why do they happen, and what can you do about it? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN wants to get you informed. Reducing the chance of a break down can help protect your driver, reduce larger repair fees down the road, and keeps your business running smoothly without having a fleet truck down. 

  • Is Your Fleet Vehicle Throwing Codes? We Can Help.

    If you operate a fleet or commercial trucks, you’re no stranger to the check engine light. There are probably vehicles in your fleet right now that have a warning light or two illuminated on the dash. What do they mean, and how do you make them go away? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN has the answers.

  • Is Your Truck Trying To Tell You Something?

    If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you’ve likely experienced your fair share of breakdowns and malfunctions on the road. However, there’s a good chance those time consuming and expensive issues were completely avoidable, and your vehicle was warning you of an imminent issue all along. Here are some important tips from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN

  • It’s time to replace an engine...should you just replace the vehicle?

    Mechanic working on car

    With all fleets and commercial vehicles, there comes a time you have to decide - do we fix this vehicle, or replace it? At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help you figure that out.

  • Maintaining Your Replacement Engine - How to Keep it Running Strong


    Once you’ve got your fleet vehicle or commercial truck back on the road, it’s important to take the proper steps to keep it that way. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN we have you covered. Sometimes engines just wear out - but there’s a good chance your last engine took a turn for the worst as a result of maintenance issues that went unnoticed or weren’t taken care of in time. 

  • Make Your Fleet Go The Extra Mile

    fleet of vehicles outside of a business

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN we know that your commercial vehicles are a vital part of your business. These vehicles are often more susceptible to damage as well. In order to preserve the life of these vehicles, it's important to get your fleet or commercial vehicles properly maintained.

  • Out With the Old - Engine Replacement Options for Fleet Vehicles


    Once you’ve determined a vehicle needs to have the engine replaced and is in good enough shape to keep on the team, it’s time to find an engine. Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN is here to help you choose the right one. There are a variety of replacement options when it comes to engines.

  • Protect the Investment You Have in Your Fleet

    If you own or maintain a fleet of vehicles, you understand what a huge investment multiple vehicles can be, especially when dealing with semis and other commercial trucks. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help you protect that investment.

  • Protecting the Engine Heads on Your Fleet

    fleet of vehicles

    The heads on your commercial or fleet diesel are one of the most integral parts of your engine. The heads are comprised of the valvetrain, exhaust ports, intake ports, and injector ports. In essence, a head’s purpose is to regulate and time the intake of fresh air, the release of exhaust, the compression of fuel and air that provides combustion, and the entry point for fuel into the cylinder. The head is where all the complex aspects of engine operation occur...without it, you just have a chunk of metal with pistons in it, and no way to make them move. Here’s what you need to know about your heads, from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.

  • Quality Fleet Work Just as Important as Quality Product

    fleet of cars

    At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we understand the importance of a job well done. You need it done fast, but you also need it done right - cutting corners in the home stretch is obviously a bad idea.

Dennis Mitchell's Automotive

896 Hollywood Dr
Jackson, TN 38301
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location small (731) 424-1486
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