Diesel Trucks

  • Maintaining Tires on Your Diesel Truck


    Once you’ve got your new tires installed on your diesel truck, you’ll want to keep them in good shape. Tires aren’t difficult to maintain, and maintaining them correctly will dramatically increase their longevity. Inspection and maintenance are the two key components to making sure they last.

  • Maintaining Your Electrical Systems

    mechanic running diagnostics on a vehicle

    Electrical issues in a vehicle have always been difficult to track down; with the complexity of modern vehicles ever-increasing, sometimes it can seem nearly impossible. Fortunately, at Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, our team of expert technicians is well trained and perfectly equipped to track down and repair even the most evasive issues in your Ford, Dodge, or Chevy diesel pickup.

  • Maintenance Tips for Your Turbocharger

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    The turbo on your diesel pickup is a precision engineered component. As a result, proper maintenance is essential to keeping it going strong. At tens or even hundreds of thousands of RPM, keeping everything in good shape is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, turbos don’t really require any special maintenance - they just make the maintenance you do all the more important.

  • New Truck or New Engine - Exploring Your Diesel Options

    Diesel Truck

    You have determined your Cummins, Duramax, or Powerstroke engine needs to be replaced. You might be on the fence about whether you should replace the engine in your diesel, or just get a new truck. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help.

  • Prioritize Your Fuel System

    fuel being put into vehicle

    Fuel Systems are particularly important on diesel trucks, whether you drive a Ford, Chevrolet, or Dodge pickup. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, fuel system maintenance and repair is a service we prioritize, since we know how essential a reliable fuel system is.

  • Quality Work or Quality Product - You Can Have Both


    Once you’ve settled on an engine, the last thing you want to do is cut corners on the final steps. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we understand the importance of your investment.

  • Routine Maintenance for Your Diesel

    oil being poured into a funnel

    Oil changes are integral to the performance, longevity, and reliability of your diesel truck. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, our expert mechanics understand the importance of good quality oil, changed at correct intervals, in allowing you to get the most out of your Cummins, Powerstroke, or Duramax diesel.

  • Some Red Flags You Should Look For

    glow plug

    Glow Plugs are an essential component of your diesel engine. However, a faulty glow plug can go unnoticed or be neglected for quite some time; your truck will still start and run, so it’s an easy issue to overlook. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we want you to know what to look for, and why you should be concerned with a bad glow plug.

  • Sometimes it is obvious, others we have to hunt for it!

    car wiring chewed up photo

    Here at Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson we often do diagnostics and sometimes the problem is obvious after hooking the car up to the computer and reading the codes.  However, sometimes it isn't obvious during a test drive or after hooking it up to all those computer programs!  You know there is a problem and a Check Engine Light is on with the fleet customer telling you the car has been having issues starting and the light has been going off and on depending on several factors.  No pattern, no simple answer but the problem becomes obvious when you start following the "threads of the issue" thanks to all that ASE Technician training.

  • Take a Look at Your Tires

    bad tire

    Are the tires on your diesel truck any good? At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we want you to be able to spot the difference between a good tire and one that needs to be replaced. Here’s a quick guide on what to watch out for.

  • The Heart of Your Diesel


    The engine and transmission in your Chevrolet, Dodge, or Ford diesel pickup is the heart and soul of your truck. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, we repair, rebuild, and replace engines or transmissions with quality parts and builds, keeping your truck on the road for years to come.

  • The Ins & Outs of Your Turbochargers

    mechanic fixing turbocharger

    Now that you know why your turbo is necessary, you’ll want to know what the turbocharger is made of. Turbos are intricate and precise components, but not actually all that complicated or difficult to understand. Here’s a rundown on the parts of a turbocharger, from Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN.

  • Time to Replace Your Diesel Engine? Let's Explore Your Options


    Whether you drive a Chevy, Dodge, or Ford diesel truck, there are a variety of options out there for a replacement engine. Depending on your truck's worth, it may depend on the type of engine and the amount of money you want to put into it. You can purchase a used, rebuilt, remanufactured, or even new diesel engine to replace your old. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to help you choose the right one. 

  • Trust Our Team for Your Maintenance Needs

    engine maintenance

    Diesel trucks are known for their incredibly reliable engines. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, we know that the key to a reliable engine is good maintenance. In fleet trucks, the difference between a truck that lasts a million miles and a truck that needs new engine hinges on how well it has been maintained.

  • Turbochargers - The Extra Boost Your Diesel Needs


    Whether you drive a Cummins, Duramax, or Powerstroke diesel truck, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with turbochargers. Over the past couple of decades, turbos have nearly become stock equipment on diesel pickups, and are becoming increasingly common on gas vehicles as well. But what are they, how do they work, and why are they there? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN has the answers.

  • Water in your floorboard? We can help!

    floorboard of car

    Leaks and drips that get the interior of your vehicle wet are definitely an inconvenience. Sitting water promotes rust, bad smells, and can ruin your carpet. Furthermore, the water often seems to come from seemingly nowhere, adding to the frustration. From Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, here are some of the leading causes of water on your floor, and what you can do about it.

  • What's So Great About Performance Chips?

    red truck

    Performance chip installation is one of the perks of diesel truck ownership. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, our mechanics can professionally tune and install a chip for any application, whether you drive a Cummins, Powerstroke, Duramax, or otherwise.

  • Why don’t my brake lights work?

    busy street with brake lights on on cars

    If your brake lights are giving you trouble, it’s something you want to get fixed. It’s a safety hazard, and you might also get a ticket out of it. Why aren’t they working, and what can you do about it? Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN has the answers.

  • Your Diesel's Tire Guide

    truck tires

    Whether you drive a Ford, Chevy, or Ram diesel truck, your tires are an important aspect of the way your truck performs. At Dennis Mitchell's Automotive in Jackson, TN, we’re here to keep you in the loop on what type of tires are out there for you, and what your tires say about the condition of your truck.

Dennis Mitchell's Automotive

896 Hollywood Dr
Jackson, TN 38301
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location small (731) 424-1486
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